High quality stainless steel
mega yacht outfitting
Waterwerk rvs manufactures high quality stainless steel fittings for mega yachts.

Our products range from simple to extremely complex.
All stainless steel fittings that you might find on a mega yacht can be produced by us; from a polished scupper, to the most complex stairs or windscreens with curved glass. We produce it all, from beginning to end, from rough sketch until final mounting onboard.

About us
We have decades of experience that we apply in this top end of the yachtbuilding industry.
Our philosophy is that perfection is the standard, every product a one-off, delivery times are sacred, short communication lines a must, and a deal is a deal.
Waterwerk rvs is always looking for talents in the metal industry
Do you have an interest in a job at an exciting company? We operate in the top segment of the yacht industry. Worldwide, you’ll find superyachts with stainless steel components made by Waterwerk RVS. None of our products are standard, whether we’re talking about railings, anchor pockets, windscreens, stairs, bollards or flag masts.
After the design and work preparation at the office, construction and finishing (welding, grinding & polishing) take place in our own workshop. Following that, the components are installed on board of the yacht.
You want more information, apply for a job, or take a look in our workshop?
Please contact Fausto Putters, tel 06 – 34 20 09 15 or send an email to info@waterwerk-rvs.com